
Publications at ACIT, again

Two publications of our group have been accepted in this years ACIT conference in Budweis. One is on the generation of synthetic training data for process mining. The other deals with clustering approaches for word sense induction. See details in the publications list.

Fixes to the website

I did some fixes to the website structure. There should be only few noticeable visible changes, but the underlying HTML and CSS are now defined better. In particular, I reduced the number of <h1> tags on pages, fixed some actual errors, and improved my knowledge on current HTML somewhat (I did not realize, ending with /> on a void element has actually become a discouraged practice).

Website Redesign

I have performed an extensive redesign of the site. Instead of using a Wordpress instance, the site now consists of static webpages generated by Pelican. This should improve performance and security. At the same time it gave me a chance to play around with a pet project.

The design is my own, including the new BibTeX renderer. Check out the list under Publications, which is dynamically generated from a BibTeX file.

Overall, I'm quite pleased with the result. A few bugs remain to iron out, but for now I'll call it a day.